Chapter 289 - Talent Optimization; Delivering Military Merit
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 289 - Talent Optimization; Delivering Military Merit (Teaser)

"The system!" Lin Moyu was taken aback.

Since his first awakening, the system had only appeared once, remaining silent ever since. Yet now, unexpectedly, it had reappeared during his talent awakening—this time to optimize it.

A smile crept across Lin Moyu’s face. The system never disappointed him.

Mo Yun and Mu Xianxian watched as the light surrounding Lin Moyu began to fade. But just when it seemed the awakening was coming to an end, the light suddenly flared up, becoming even more intense than before.

Mu Xianxian gasped. "What’s happening?"

Mo Yun, lost in thought, searched her memories but found no explanation for this phenomenon. All they could do now was wait. However, the slight smile on Lin Moyu’s face within the glow reassured them that everything seemed to be under control.

Minutes later, the system completed the talent optimization.

[Acquired talent: Summon Health Link]

[Summon Health Link: all summons form a health link, sharing damage taken and healing received.]

Lin Moyu’s heart raced as he examined the newly optimized ta