Chapter 277 - Waiting For You In The Center Of The Core Area
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 277 - Waiting For You In The Center Of The Core Area

A scream rang out but was cut short. A terrifying gust of wind sliced through the air like a blade, nearly shattering the Bone Armor. The skeletons and Lich Generals were hurled to the ground, unable to move.

Mu Xianxian was also flung away and lay unconscious, or worse. The only one still standing was Lin Moyu. All of this chaos was merely caused by the roar of the Archaic Earth Dragon.

The boss appeared before Lin Moyu as if it had teleported, its enormous eyes fixating on him. A chill ran up his spine and shot into his brain, and every hair on his body stood on end. In those eyes, Lin Moyu saw intelligence and emotion—this Archaic Earth Dragon was nothing like the ones he had faced before.

What on earth had happened? The situation had spiraled beyond his understanding.

"You’ve gone too far!" A thunderous voice rose, causing Lin Moyu’s ears to ache. The boss had actually spoken. This was getting out of hand.

The Archaic Earth Dragon’s eyes gleamed dangerously, "There is a saying, one should not make the same action more than three times. How many times do you intend to kill me?"

Lin Moyu lifted his head, his mind racing. He had never encountered anything like this before. But then, a sudden realization struck him—'weakened.'

"Are you the real Archaic Earth Dragon?" He asked.

"What do you think?" The Archaic Earth Dragon snorted, sending two massive streams of air from its nostrils. The Bone Armor creaked again and then shattered.

Lin Moyu didn’t bother to recast Bone Armor. If mere air could shatter it, reapplying it would be pointless. There was no escape from this dungeon; all his escape items were ineffective. His intuition told him this boss was far more terrifying than the Archaic Luanniao he had faced in the core area.

The Archaic Earth Dragon lowered its head, bringing its massive eyes even closer. Lin Moyu could see his own reflection in them. His mind raced, “Honored Elder, you seem to have violated the rules.”

Lin Moyu deduced that the Archaic Earth Dragon in the dungeon was merely a clone, explaining t

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