Chapter 278 - Protect Lin Moyu!
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 278 - Protect Lin Moyu!

After the Archaic Earth Dragon departed, the glow outside the dungeon dissipated, and everything returned to normal. The people waiting outside remained on high alert until a slight distortion in space occurred, and two figures appeared at the dungeon entrance.

"They’re out!"

"Get started!"

At the signal, both the Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind went to work. Although it took only two seconds from exiting the dungeon to completing teleportation, it was enough time to mount a strike. A burst of light exploded in the air, and a massive barrier instantly appeared, enveloping everyone inside. The Abyssal Demons, expert in barrier creation, rendering even Advanced Random Teleportation Talismans ineffective within their barrier.

The consensus among the two factions was clear: Lin Moyu had to die.

“Protect Lin Moyu!” Jiang Hanshan shouted as the assault began.

Over a hundred human class users, fully prepared, charged forward without hesitation. Jiang Hanshan, leading the charge, activated his Charge skill, reaching the dungeon entrance first.

Skill: Mass Protection!

A firm, glowing shield materialized, blocking the initial wave of attacks. Massive flaming meteors rained down from the sky, launched by over 20 Dragonkind Mages. Arrows and the Abyss’s power descended like a storm of swords, causing violent explosions.

Despite the onslaught, the human class users pressed forward. Mages and Archers unleashed ranged attacks, targeting the Demons and Dragonkind. But, the other party could fly, putting the humans at a disadvantage.

Jiang Hanshan’s shield shattered under the strain, but a second shield quickly took its place as Jialan Yeyu arrived just half a beat after him. However, under the meteor barrage, the shield shattered almost instantly.

Exchanging a determined glance, Jiang Hanshan and Jialan Yeyu raised the shields in their hands, standing protectively in front of Lin Moyu and Mu Xianxian. They would defend them at all costs.

Suddenly, a white light enveloped the two, and Bone Armor appeared, blocking all the attacks.


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