Chapter 276 - Could He Be A Reincarnated Boss?
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 276 - Could He Be A Reincarnated Boss?

Lin Moyu’s running speed was too slow to keep up with the Skeletal Warriors, so he had no choice but to let one of them carry him. The ride was uncomfortable, with the bones poking into him, but he gritted his teeth and endured it.

Seeing Lin Moyu's grimace, Mu Xianxian blushed and offered, "If you're uncomfortable, I can carry you instead."

Lin Moyu smiled and shook his head. "It's alright, I'm used to it."

"Oh..." Mu Xianxian felt a small twinge of disappointment, though she wasn’t sure why.

A large group of Skeletal Warriors carrying corpses led the way, with Lin Moyu and Mu Xianxian in the middle, and the Lich Generals bringing up the rear. What had taken over half an hour last time was now covered in less than three minutes. The corpses were no longer fresh, with at least half their health lost, but they were still usable.

The Flower of the Earth's health was still substantial, even though most of it had been depleted, far greater than that of ordinary dungeon monsters. As a plant-type leader, its health was exceptional, and Lin Moyu eagerly anticipated the damage it could inflict.

Soon, the Archaic Earth Dragon appeared. The lava had yet to cool, and the boss's molten saliva continued to drip into the flowing lava. The boss barely reacted to the skeletons, lazily lifting its eyelids to glance at them. It noticed a large number of corpses flying toward it.

“What are those things?” A hint of confusion flickered in its giant eyes.

The next moment, a curse descended, followed by a series of violent explosions. The blast from the Flower of the Earth was particularly devastating, shattering the dragon's scales and tearing into its flesh.

In the next moment, a curse descended, followed by violent explosions that sent shockwaves rippling through the air. The Flower of the Earth's blast was especially potent, shattering the Archaic Earth Dragon's scales and ravaging its flesh.

Amid the chaos, Mu Xianxian rushed in, used Collection on the Archaic Earth Dragon, and quickly retreated. The continuous explosions overwhelm

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