Chapter 268 - Vision; Earth Knight
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 268 - Vision; Earth Knight

Lin Moyu continued to advance along the planned route, carefully measuring the land. Based on the information provided by Bai Yiyuan, it would take at least a few months to walk around the core area.

The core area had been expanding year by year, and some speculated that it might swallow the central area in thousands of years and eventually the entire Immemorial Battlefield. If that happened, those below level 60 wouldn’t be able to enter the Immemorial Battlefield.

However, others argued that although the core area expanded, the Immemorial Battlefield itself grew as well, so there was no cause for concern.

In Lin Moyu’s opinion, since this was beyond his control, it was best not to dwell on it. Instead, he focused on his immediate goal: killing more Demons and invading the Abyssal World—that was what truly mattered.

"Why are there so few monsters?" Lin Moyu wondered, "Could it be that I’m following a path others have already taken?"

His undead legions were clearing the way ahead, continuously sending back information. To his surprise, the number of monsters they encountered was unusually low. The undead legions advanced in a fan-shaped formation, with 10 skeletons per team, spaced far apart to cover a large area.

The route Lin Moyu had chosen was just 2,000 to 3,000 meters from the core area, practically hugging it. There should have been plenty of monsters, but there were pitifully few. However, this allowed him to increase his speed, advancing more than 1,600 kilometers per day. In retrospect, this was beneficial, as he wasn’t here to grind levels. His priority was to find the Demonic Dragon Hall dungeon and collect enough Dragon Crystals.

If he wanted to grind levels, he could do so more efficiently in dungeons.

In the distance, Lin Moyu suddenly noticed brilliant clouds shimmering in the sky. Clouds… How could there be clouds in the Immemorial Battlefield? These clouds were composed of light orbs.

"A vision!" Lin Moyu murmured, hastening forward with a hint of anticipation. "It might be the Demonic Dragon Hall

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