Chapter 267 - Tomb Of The Human Hero Lin Moyu
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 267 - Tomb Of The Human Hero Lin Moyu

"My luck's always been decent." Lin Moyu said, casting a sidelong glance at Mina. She was in rough shape, covered in wounds and noticeably weakened.

"You seem worse off than me." He added with a sly smile.

Mina tightened her grip on her spear and retorted, "Even like this, I can still crush you."

Lin Moyu chuckled, "You can try, but I might just kill you instead."

Despite his disheveled appearance, Lin Moyu was uninjured. Although he had lost a significant number of skeletons, he still commanded eight full undead legions. His Enhance Troops skill was ready to deploy.

At this time, his remaining undead legions appeared, their gaze fixed on Mina.

Noticing the rune on Lin Moyu's hand, Mina's expression changed dramatically, "A Primordial Rune..."

The power of Primordial Runes was immense, granting skills far beyond the ordinary. Mina knew she couldn’t afford to be reckless. The confidence in Lin Moyu’s eyes made her pause—she was far from her peak strength in her current state.

Suddenly, a burst of black light erupted, and a spatial channel appeared beside Mina, pulling at her with tremendous force.

This was one of the Immemorial Battlefield's rules—time was up, and she had to leave.

She put away her spear, her murderous intent vanishing. With a charming smile, she said, "My Young Friend Lin Moyu, I'll spare you this time. Next chance we get, I'll come play with you again. Take care until then. Don’t let that guy eat you."

Her tone was playful, even flirtatious, but Lin Moyu remained stoic. "Next time we meet, I'll kill you."

"Next time, I’ll eat you instead." With a chuckle, Mina was sucked into the spatial channel.

Lin Moyu sighed in relief. He had no desire to fight her, knowing that even with his Enhance Troops skill, victory wasn’t guaranteed. And there was still the Archaic Luanniao to deal with—escaping was his priority.

"Where’s the Archaic Luanniao?" He wondered, scanning the sky but finding no trace of it.

In the distance, a fierce black fire blazed where the meteor had struck, creating a sea of flames. Lin

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