Chapter 269 - Because I’ve Read About The Three Kingdoms
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 269 - Because I’ve Read About The Three Kingdoms

Lin Moyu’s sudden appearance drew the attention of not only the Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind but also the human class users. At first glance, Lin Moyu seemed insignificant, just a level 33 small fry. His undead legion, though impressive in number, was composed of skeletons with weak attributes—so frail that a single group attack from a Mage could wipe them out.

However, those familiar with Lin Moyu recognized him immediately, and smiles spread across their faces, especially among Jiang Hanshan’s party. They knew just how formidable he truly was.

Jiang Hanshan offered Lin Moyu a military salute, and Lin Moyu returned the gesture. It was then that others noticed the seemingly unremarkable military badge gleaming with golden light on Lin Moyu’s shoulder—a colonel badge. This young man, just level 33, was actually a colonel. Among all present, only Jiang Hanshan held a similar rank; the others were mere lieutenants at most. In this regard, Lin Moyu had already outshone them all.

Jiang Hanshan’s respectful salute underscored Lin Moyu’s higher status, shocking those unfamiliar with him even more.

“This young man is no ordinary figure.”

“Being a colonel at his level means he’s slain many Demons and Dragonkind.”

“I wonder if he can change the situation. Time is running out.”

“Let’s hope we can retrieve the Heart of the Earth. Humanity is desperate for a new Earth Knight.”

“The Jialan Guild has notified everyone they could reach, but they might arrive too late.”

Lin Moyu’s arrival made the Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind wary. Though they initially dismissed him and his undead legion as a non-threat, but when they sighted the colonel badge on his shoulder their disdain turned into alarm.

A Dragonkind class user muttered, eyes filled with murderous intent, “I can sense the aura of our kind on him. He’s killed many of our brethren. I can almost hear their cries of anguish. This aura makes me want to kill him.”

Despite the venom in his words, he stayed still, his reason telling him not to act rashly. If anyone was to act first,

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