Chapter 263 - Holly Crap, What A Massive Bird
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 263 - Holly Crap, What A Massive Bird

Lin Moyu could only describe this party with one word: chaotic. The formation seemed puzzling—20 members, 8 of whom were Healers, far more than the standard, all female class users. It was practically a Healer party.

Lin Moyu couldn't fathom why they needed so many Healers. Typically, four would suffice, especially since high-level Healers could perform Group Heal. Yet, in this situation, the abundance of Healers turned out to be a blessing. Surrounded by over 50 level 61 Battlefield Wolves, the party would have been overwhelmed without them.

"She's wielding a maul, what sort of class is that?" His attention was drawn to Mu Xianxian, who was wielding a maul—an unusual choice. She was using a skill that scattered sparks like small fireworks, seemingly annoying the monsters who focused their attacks on her. Lin Moyu had never seen a class like hers before.

Jialan Yeyu hadn’t anticipated such a dire situation. Two specks of starlight had fallen, exploding on either side of the party, and suddenly they were surrounded by 50 Battlefield Wolves. The ambush had nearly overwhelmed them, but they managed to stabilize the situation, albeit barely.

Outnumbered more than two to one by wolves with formidable attack power, even Jialan Yeyu, a level 60 Sacred Knight, was struggling.

"Hang in there! The distress signals have been sent! Someone will surely come to rescue us! Sisters, don't give up!" She shouted, rallying her teammates. She and another Knight held the front line, protecting the more vulnerable Mages, Archers, and Healers behind them.

Mu Xianxian, with her incongruous platinum maul, fended off the Battlefield Wolves. Though not a primary combat class, her strength was on par with a Warrior, lacking only in powerful skills. When a nearby Warrior was knocked back, creating a gap in their defense, Mu Xianxian stepped in, her maul sending out a burst of sparks.

Skill: Group Collection!

Sparks rained down on eight wolves. The eyes of the wolves gleamed red, and they turned their attention to Mu Xianxian, launching

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