Chapter 262 - Are They Trying To Draw That Boss?
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 262 - Are They Trying To Draw That Boss?

Jialan Yeyu led her party into the core area, unknowingly entering almost the exact spot as Lin Moyu had before them. It didn't take long for them to realize something was amiss—there were no monsters. The rumors said this was supposed to be a land teeming with beasts, where bosses were common, but after walking for a while, they hadn't encountered a single monster.

Leading the group, Jialan Yeyu frowned, "Could it be that there are no monsters near the edges?"

Mu Xianxian suggested softly, "Maybe we need to go deeper?"

"Yeah, let's head further in."

Lin Moyu had been battling his way through the core area for five days. But on his return, it took him just over a day to cover the same distance. The monsters had been cleared, and new ones had yet to spawn. After leaving the core area, he decided to explore along its periphery.

The Demonic Dragon Hall appeared randomly, but it was found that the closer one was to the core, the higher the chances of encountering it.

"It's not just humans searching for it—Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind are looking for it too, and their ability to fly gives them an advantage. If one finds it, one might have to fight through them to enter."

The Demonic Dragon Hall dungeon, at hell rank difficulty, dropped Dragon Crystal that could awaken talents. Unlike the Divine Selection Secret Realm, which could only be entered once, the Demonic Dragon Hall could be accessed multiple times, making it the site of intense battles whenever it was found.

While lost in thought, Lin Moyu spotted figures in the distance. He tensed for a moment before realizing they were human class users, and relaxed slightly. Jialan Yeyu also noticed Lin Moyu.

"Level 33, alone? Is it some kind of joke?" She thought, disbelief oozing out of her eyes. How could someone of such a low level have made it here, especially coming from deeper within the core area? Was he teleported here by chance?

Lin Moyu moved quickly, and despite the distance, he was in front of them in the blink of an eye. He paused and glanced at Jialan Yeyu

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