Chapter 261 - A Quick Retreat And An Unexpected Shield
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 261 - A Quick Retreat And An Unexpected Shield

The Battlefield Serpent-Turtle's defense was ridiculously high, bolstered to its dual immunity traits. Lin Moyu fought fiercely and even employed the Enhance Troops skill and gradually wore down its health. But just when victory seemed within reach, the boss activated its Shell Block skill, nullifying all his efforts in an instant.

Frustration gripped Lin Moyu—it felt like the boss was cheating. The creature was already daunting, with its massive health and terrifying attack power. Now, with an absurd recovery skill, continuing the fight seemed pointless. He realized that pushing forward would only waste time and resources. One round with this boss was enough; he had no intention of enduring it again.

Resolutely, Lin Moyu led his group to retreat, aware he wasn't ready for this challenge. He could return later when he was stronger. The team quickly withdrew along the path they'd cleared earlier, vanishing from sight in no time.

After this encounter, Lin Moyu abandoned the idea of delving deeper into the core area. If a level 64 ordinary boss was this challenging, how could he hope to face higher-ranked ones? If he stumbled upon a lord or world rank boss, his undead legions might not survive. This battle made him realize his limitations—at level 33, he was still too weak. Despite his powerful talent and numerous skeletons, he lacked the truly formidable skills needed to face stronger foes.

As they retreated, Lin Moyu reflected on the battle. It was his first time withdrawing from a fight. He had always managed to overcome strong bosses before, but this time was different—he just didn't have the confidence. Unlike many legendary rank class users, he didn't possess a game-changing skill that could turn the tide. While Corpse Explosion was powerful, it was severely restricted in the core area.

Five minutes after Lin Moyu's departure, the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle ended its Shell Block skill. It emerged from its shell, extended its limbs, and whipped its long tail against the ground with a thunderous crack. Fully recov

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