Chapter 264 - Terrifying Boss: Archaic Luanniao
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 264 - Terrifying Boss: Archaic Luanniao

It wasn't just a black bird; it was a creature engulfed in black flames, resembling a dark cloud from afar. As it approached, its true form became clear—a bird blazing fiercely with flames, moving with incredible speed, appearing to be faster than lightning.

Just moments ago, it was kilometers away. Now, in the blink of an eye, it hovered above them.

Lin Moyu was stunned by its sheer size. The creature's wingspan spanned over 300 meters, vast enough to blot out the sky. Its talons, though retracted, were enormous—capable of snatching a boss like the Battlefield Serpent-Turtle with a single grasp.

The terrifying image of the Serpent-Turtle being devoured flashed in Lin Moyu’s mind, sending chills down his spine. Yet, the most unsettling aspect wasn’t its strength, but the intelligence reflected in its eyes. This boss wasn’t just a brute; it was a thinking, sentient being.

“What is that?” Mu Xianxian asked, carrying her maul as she ran beside Lin Moyu.

This rare Collection Master had caught his attention. “It should a boss,” Lin Moyu replied.

Jialan Yeyu frowned. What kind of answer was that? Of course, it was a boss.

Mu Xianxian’s voice trembled, “It looks so scary.”

Lin Moyu responded with a simple ‘mhm,’ before adding, “It once devoured another boss.”

This revelation caused both of their faces to pale. A creature that could eat another boss was either at a higher level or of a superior rank. Given its size, it was likely lord rank, possibly even world rank.

“Watch out, it’s coming!” Lin Moyu suddenly shouted, having received a warning from his Skeletal Warriors.

The black bird plummeted from the sky with terrifying speed. Lin Moyu didn’t dare rely on his Bone Armor. For the first time, he doubted its ability to protect him.

He quickly commanded his Skeletal Warriors to gather around and yelled, “Get close together!”

Jialan Yeyu echoed the command, “Quick, get close together!”

Everyone quickly formed a tight group, with the Skeletal Warriors creating an outer ring and Skeletal Mages surrounding them.

Lin Moyu hes

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