Chapter 258 - The Core Area's Danger
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 258 - The Core Area's Danger

The Primordial Space lay deep within the lower layer of the Immemorial Battlefield and so was inaccessible for now. Meanwhile, the Divine Selection Secret Realm had already been uprooted.

Lin Moyu's journey to the Immemorial Battlefield had yielded valuable treasures—Soul Crystal, Soul Gem, Poison Gem, and Fire Gem. The only task remaining was to locate the elusive Demonic Dragon Hall. It could appear anywhere in the upper layer, its location, level, and duration unpredictable.

Lin Moyu recalled the Bagua Compass that Lin Mohan had shown him. If it could pinpoint the location of the Primordial Rune, it might also locate the Demonic Dragon Hall.

"Time to start the search." Lin Moyu muttered.

As he advanced, he repeatedly cast Poison Star Ring, unwilling to stop honing his skills. The monsters he defeated along the way were subjected to Corpse Explosion, the resulting thunderous blasts drawing closer to the core area. Yet, he remained cautious, always keeping at least half of his spirit force in reserve.

After 15 days of travel, covering more than 10,000 kilometers, the landscape finally began to shift. From afar, the ground shimmered like a rough, unpolished mirror, reflecting a hazy glow.

Upon entering the core area, Lin Moyu discovered that not only the monsters had higher levels, but the scenery was also different. The light from the sky seemed closer, with shooting stars frequently falling, sometimes reaching the ground and other times exploding in the air like stunning fireworks.

The core area was a realm of astonishing danger. The monsters were not only more numerous but also far more formidable. Those adventuring here had to be extremely careful—one misstep could lead to total annihilation.

Just 30 seconds after stepping into the core area, a sharp cry pierced the sky. A massive eagle-like monster hurtled toward Lin Moyu at lightning speed, its enormous beak colliding with his Bone Armor. The impact was immense, nearly as powerful as attacks from the Crimson Moon Demon.

The giant eagle, its attack thwarted, s

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