Chapter 257 - He Even Gave Away A Primordial Rune
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 257 - He Even Gave Away A Primordial Rune

Brilliant bands of light descended from the sky, plunging into the dungeon below, signaling to nearby creatures that a treasure had appeared.

Dragonkind and Abyssal Demons, like wild dogs catching the scent of prey, swarmed in from all directions. Upon seeing Lin Moyu, a mere level 31 human, they charged at him with vicious grins.

The outcome was predictable. Behind the dungeon vortex, a mountain of corpses had piled up, nearly impossible to conceal.

In just half an hour, Lin Moyu had amassed a significant amount of EXP and military merit. Each level 60-plus Abyssal Demon and Dragonkind provided 3,000 military merit, pushing his total to over 600,000.

At this rate, Lin Moyu might soon become a one-star colonel—an unbelievable feat for someone at level 31.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approached, and a human party of six, all above level 50 arrived.

"Stop." Lin Moyu barked sternly, "The dungeon is temporarily off-limits."

The leading Knight creased his eyebrows, displeasure evident in his eyes, "Blocking the dungeon entrance isn't right, Young Brother."

His teammates also wore expressions of dissatisfaction. But since they were fellow humans, the Knight chose to exercise restraint

Lin Moyu shook his head, "It isn't right, but it can't be helped right now."

The Knight's face darkened. But before he could respond, his teammate nudged him, whispering, "Look over there, behind the dungeon." The Knight's expression changed drastically when he noticed the massive pile of Abyssal Demon and Dragonkind corpses.

At that moment, several Abyssal Demons approached rapidly. A skeleton beside Lin Moyu darted out, grabbed a corpse, and hurled it into the air. It soared 100 meters before detonating in a loud explosion, instantly killing the Demons. The skeletons then calmly dragged the bodies back to the growing pile behind the dungeon.

The whole process was unnervingly smooth and efficient.

Lin Moyu looked over and remarked, "You really can't go in now."

The Knight shuddered. "Understood, Boss."

The effortless way the level 60-

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