Chapter 259 - A Core Area Boss
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 259 - A Core Area Boss

Lin Moyu's pace slowed as he ventured deeper into the core area. The sheer number of monsters, combined with the constant threat of falling shooting stars and aerial attacks from flying monsters, forced him to remain vigilant. He once witnessed a formation of over 100 flying monsters, their imposing presence felt even from thousands of meters away. These creatures, at least level 64, could be defeated by his undead legions, but not without significant losses—potentially hundreds of skeletons.

Initially, Lin Moyu intended to explore the core area and take a look at the supposedly undefeatable boss. However, after five days, he had barely covered 1,000 kilometers. The core area was vast, larger than the previous regions, and at his current pace, reaching its center could take over a month.

During these five days, Lin Moyu encountered two groups of monsters. One was a pack of three meter-tall goat-like monsters, with hooves larger than a human head, aptly named as Battlefield Goats. They possessed a group attack skill. 10 Battlefield Goats unleashed their skill simultaneously, killing over 20 Skeletal Warriors in an instant.

Although Lin Moyu emerged victorious, but he lost over 70 skeletons, which was a significant blow. Since then, he avoided provoking monster groups. However, the monsters in the core area grew more numerous as he advanced, slowing his progress.

Despite his caution, battles were inevitable. A meteor exploded above, attracting a group of flying monsters. After a fierce fight, Lin Moyu lost over 80 Skeletal Warriors and 10 Skeletal Mages, nearly half of an undead legion. He had to stop and meditated to replenish his forces, frustrated by the slow progress

"The monsters here are too numerous and powerful. Their skills, although lacking control effect, are devastating group attack skills. The skeletons aren't strong enough to withstand them." Lin Moyu mused, "This approach isn't sustainable."

With only 1,000 kilometers covered in five days, and just 200 kilometers in the last two, Lin Moyu felt the pres

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