Chapter 253 - The Divine Selection Secret Realm's Foundation Is Uprooted
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 253 - The Divine Selection Secret Realm's Foundation Is Uprooted

Lin Moyu stared at his attributes, at a loss for words.

[Name: Lin Moyu]

[Class: Necromancer (unique)]

[Level: 30 (92.00%)]

[Title: Dragonkind Slayer (all attributes +500, reduces the consumption of all skills by 50%)]

[Strength: 1,000 (+3,000)]

[Agility: 1,000 (+3,000)]

[Spirit: 19,000 (+3,000)]

[Spirit: 1,000 (+3,000)]


[Trait: Divinity Force (level 30)]


[Special item: Shenzhou Cauldron (unavailable)]

[Divinity Force (level 30): all attributes increase by an additional 30% when leveling up, spirit force restoration increases by 3,000%, and fatigue recovery increases by 3,000%]


[Poison Star Ring (level 3): creates a 3-meter radius area that deals damage equivalent to 30 points of strength per second for 3 seconds.]

[Enhance Troops: for 30 seconds, increases all basic attributes of the host and their summons by 200%, and all attacks deal an additional 500% of damage. Cooldown: 1 hour]

His original attributes hadn't changed much. However, a new attribute had appeared—trait: Divinity Force (level 30). The Divinity Force had somehow reached Level 30. Lin Moyu recalled that after reaching the end of the path, a massive surge of divinity energy had flooded into him. At the time, he had been too preoccupied with the Shenzhou Cauldron to notice the Divinity Force's ascent.

Now, the Divinity Force was level 30, offering three powerful benefits. The most striking was the 30% bonus to all attributes per level-up. While others might gain 1,000 points per level, Lin Moyu would gain 1,300. This advantage would only widen as he leveled up.

Lin Moyu suspected that level 30 wasn't the limit; the Divinity Force seemed capped at his current level. Recalling that Bai Yiyuan's Divinity Force had only been level 5, Lin Moyu felt as if he were dreaming. Yet, this wasn't what truly shocked him.

The real surprise was the Shenzhou Cauldron, now in his possession, though he couldn't use it yet. But its presence meant one thing: the Divine Selection Secret Realm might never appear again.

The Shenzhou Cauldron seemed to be the very

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