Chapter 252 - Uncharted Territory; Shenzhou Cauldron
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 252 - Uncharted Territory; Shenzhou Cauldron

Starting from the 201st step, the pressure more than doubled. Lin Moyu knew that without the Soul Crystals, he might not have made it past the 200th step. But now… he continued his ascent, gaining three strands of divinity energy with each step. As his Divinity Force advanced, so did the demand for more divinity energy. He pushed on to the 250th step, gathering 150 strands of divinity energy, before his Divinity Force finally leveled up.

With each step, the pressure mounted, but Lin Moyu just shrugged it off. Approaching the 300th step, he sensed a powerful aura from Mo Yun's path, putting her on par with a level 50 individual. Suddenly, a mass of light surged forward—Mo Yun, enveloped in a brilliant glow, was climbing rapidly.

"She's so fast!" Lin Moyu exclaimed, recognizing the skill from earlier when the Holy Spirit Unicorn moved at lightning speed. Though he didn't know the exact nature of Mo Yun's skill, he could see that it allowed her to ignore the mounting pressure and ascend swiftly, "Incredible!" He remarked involuntarily.

Every class had its unique strengths, and Mo Yun, with her mid-tier legendary class, had abilities beyond ordinary reach. Within 30 seconds, she had crossed nearly 100 steps, reaching the 200th step before the light faded and she collapsed. The pressure was immense, and though she could barely move, her face was lit with a victorious smile. She had broken her family's record, raising her Divinity Force to level 5 at just level 41—a remarkable achievement for humanity, putting her shoulder to shoulder with Bai Yiyuan. Yet, even in this moment of triumph, she couldn't help but compare herself to the freakish Lin Moyu.

As she struggled to lift her head, she saw Lin Moyu standing at the 300th step, giving her a thumbs-up. "Thumbs up my foot!" She cursed internally, feeling the sting of inadequacy. Was this a compliment? Feeling another blow to her ego, she sighed inwardly, "Forget it, I can't compare myself to this guy."

Mo Yun had pushed her skill to the limit to reach this point, not wast

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