Chapter 231 - He Is A Dragon In Sheep's Clothing
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 231 - He Is A Dragon In Sheep's Clothing

Being able to kill level 50 Abyssal Demons, Lin Moyu was naturally qualified to walk the Immemorial Battlefield.

In the upper layer of the Immemorial Battlefield, the monsters ranged between level 35 and level 65, and there were also monsters above level 65, albeit all bosses.

As long as they didn't recklessly provoke high-level monsters and exercised caution, level 50 Abyssal Demons, humans, and Dragonkind class users could survive in the upper layer.

However, being alone wasn't very safe, especially for humans. Level 50 humans couldn't fly yet. Unlike Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind, who could escape through the air if things turned sour.

Lin Moyu found another spot and lit a bonfire to grill meat again. His stomach was still empty and needed to be filled.

Ling Yizhan and company didn't get close, maintaining a distance of 1,000 meters as they followed him. The Primordial Rune was extremely precious and rare; they couldn't give up that easily.

This time Lin Moyu enjoyed a peaceful meal without any interruptions. Glancing at the dry rations in the storage space, he knew that he might not have another opportunity to leisurely grill meat anytime soon.

Just as he rose to his feet, the ground began to shake.

Standing atop a small hill, Lin Moyu saw a group of monsters charging toward him. The monsters were of all kinds of shapes and sizes.

Lin Moyu unleashed Detection a series of times—the monsters ranged from level 37 to level 45. There were hundreds of monsters, and they were clearly targeting him.

"Weird. Could the monsters in the Immemorial Battlefield be also interested in the Primordial Rune?" Lin Moyu frowned.

Bai Yiyuan hadn't mentioned such a thing.

As the crowd of monsters drew closer, Lin Moyu spotted an Abyssal Demon among them. This Abyssal Demon was somewhat peculiar.

Unlike the grotesque and ugly Abyssal Demons he had seen so far, this Abyssal Demon was beautiful, with exquisite facial features. In the Human World, she would be considered a rare beauty.

Her ears were slightly pointed, her skin was of a sl

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