Chapter 232 - Level 58 World Rank Boss; Earth Evil Centipede!
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 232 - Level 58 World Rank Boss; Earth Evil Centipede!

Ling Yizhan and company continued to follow behind Lin Moyu. By this time, their way of thinking had undergone a complete transformation. They no longer entertained any thoughts of being the oriole from the Shenxian saying: the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

At this time, they just wanted to watch how Lin Moyu forged ahead.

Ling Yizhan suspected that Lin Moyu was pretending to be weak, maintaining the facade of a mere level 30 class user. He believed Lin Moyu was waiting for those unaware of the truth to walk into his trap.

"I hope no one of our human race messes with him."

Another thought crossed his mind. He hoped no human would attack Lin Moyu. After all, given Lin Moyu's character and methods, he wouldn't show any mercy.

Ling Yizhan had already forgotten that he too once harbored such designs. Thinking about it now, it was fortunate that he didn't mess with Lin Moyu, or else his entire party probably would no longer exist.

While he was immersed in his thoughts, he turned a corner and suddenly stopped. Lin Moyu was standing right in front of him, as if he were waiting for him.

Ling Yizhan swallowed, "Junior, what a coincidence..."

The others looked at their party leader strangely, not expecting him to exhibit such behavior.

Lin Moyu asked, "Senior, how do I get to the central area of the upper layer?"

Lin Moyu knew that Ling Yizhan and company had been following him all along.

His immense spirit force made his senses very keen. Unless they had the Stealth skill, it wasn't easy to hide from his senses.

As for the intentions of Ling Yizhan and company, it wasn't hard to guess. Lin Moyu didn't mind them. As long as they didn't provoke him, he wouldn't bother with them.

Faced with Lin Moyu's question, Ling Yizhan pointed in a direction, "It's that way."

"Thank you, Senior!" Lin Moyu replied politely.

With that, he turned and left, accompanied by two skeletons. The clicking sounds produced by the skeletons inexplicably made Ling Yizhan feel a bit uneasy.

After Lin Moyu left, Ling Yizhan could

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