Chapter 230 - Please Stay Out Of My Way
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 230 - Please Stay Out Of My Way

Lin Moyu watched the approaching figures, which stopped 10 meters away from him, with wary eyes. They were also a party of twelve.

But unlike the Dragonkind party Lin Moyu fought just now, this human party consisted of two Knights, one Battle King support, three Healers, three Archers, and three Mages. This was a party that primarily focused on ranged attacks.

Lin Moyu sized them up, already calculating in his mind how to respond were they to attack him. Although they were humans and his seniors at the academy, but he wouldn't show them any mercy.

"Hey, junior, why did you come to the Immemorial Battlefield at level 30?" The Battle King support, who led the party, stepped forward and uttered with a friendly smile.

Lin Moyu didn't answer but instead asked, "What do you want?"

The Battle King support subconsciously wrinkled his eyebrows. This junior wasn't really the talkative sort. Nevertheless, he still uttered patiently, "Junior, you're a student of the Xiajing Academy, right? We're from the Chuangshi Institute. My name is Ling Yizhan."

"I see. What do you want?"

Seeing that Lin Moyu was still like this, Ling Yizhan showed a hint of displeasure on his face, "Junior, do you realize you're in grave danger right now?"

Lin Moyu looked up at the scarlet light shooting into the sky, "I'm aware."

Ling Yizhan continued to say, "Junior, we can protect you. We can help you get through the 10-day period."

Lin Moyu shook his head, "Thanks, but there's no need."

"I'm leaving. Please stay out of my away." Lin Moyu didn't even bother to learn their names. After he was done speaking, he turned and left.

Protection? Did he need other people's protection?

For the next 10 days, he aimed to avoid contact with people as much as possible. If they were foes, things would be simple. But since they were also humans, he couldn't initiate an attack. Keeping his distance was the best solution.

"Junior, you'll die like this." Ling Yizhan called after him.

Ignoring him, Lin Moyu swiftly walked away and disappeared from sight, leaving only the

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