Chapter 229 - Crimson Light Shooting Into The Sky; The Crimson Menace
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 229 - Crimson Light Shooting Into The Sky; The Crimson Menace

Accompanied by a clang, the Bone Armor glowed brilliantly, blocking the dagger.

Lin Moyu raised his hand, and red light shone in his palm.

Skill: Slow Curse!

Under the curse's effect, the attacker was revealed instantly. It was a Dragonkind Assassin.

The two nearby Skeletal Warriors, their soul fire ablaze, lunged forward with their blades, but the nimble Dragonkind Assassin quickly retreated, evading their assault.

The Dragonkind Assassin, naturally resistant to curses, wasn't much affected by the Slow Curse.

Skill: Bone Fangs!

Lin Moyu pointed with his finger, and pale-white light exploded, followed by a torrent of 1,200 Bone Fangs.

The Dragonkind Assassin, caught too close, was pierced by the Bone Fangs in a flash and sent flying backward, screaming in agony.

While the Dragonkind Assassin was still in midair, the light from a Heal skill was already upon it.

Looking up, Lin Moyu saw a party of Dragonkind class users flying toward him at top speed.

"Kill him!"

The dozen Dragonkind class users, surging with murderous intent, attacked him without hesitation.

Crimson light rose from Lin Moyu's body and shot into the sky, lingering there. Lin Moyu knew this light would last for a full 10 days.

Bai Yiyuan had explained to him the rules of the Primordial Rune: acquiring the rune would trigger crimson light visible from thousands of kilometers away.

Everyone in the Immemorial Battlefield that saw the crimson light would know that he had obtained the Primordial Rune and would come to seize it. The only way to seize the Primordial Rune was by killing its holder, causing it to drop again.

With the crimson light as guide, it would not be difficult to find the holder. During the period of 10 days, the holder would become a public enemy, having to face a large number of foes.

After the 10 days were up and the crimson light had disappeared, only then would the holder completely own the Primordial Rune.

It wasn't easy for any class user to survive 10 days with a target painted on their back. Back in the day, even Bai Yiyuan had

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