Chapter 220 - Desolate Immemorial Battlefield; Abyssal Blade Demon Apers Again!
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 220 - Desolate Immemorial Battlefield; Abyssal Blade Demon Apers Again!

The Immemorial Battlefield wasn't pitch-dark. There was light, coming from an unknown source, casting various colors that swirled and intertwined in the air, eventually forming a unique hue. It was somewhat dim and reddish, reminiscent of the fiery clouds at sunset, but darker.

There were no stars, no sun, no moon. Only this inexplicable light illuminated the earth.

The air was filled with a complex scent.

"There's the smell of blood as well as the scent of souls."

The wind carried sounds—screams, roars, deranged laughter. These were sounds from the previous era, lingering until now.

In Lin Moyu's palm, Soul Blaze ignited and released crackling sounds that soon faded, burning lingering soul intent to nothing.

"This place is strange!" Lin Moyu donned the Bone Armor. He didn't dare to be careless.

The Bone Armor, with its base physique of 3,000 points, coupled with the talent's 40-fold amplification, which equated to a physique of 120,000 points, protected against all abnormal statuses, providing Lin Moyu sufficient security.

Lin Moyu had no idea Meng Anwen had chosen a relatively safe place for him. Meng Anwen deliberately kept this information from Lin Moyu, to prevent him from lowering his guard.

Both he and Bai Yi gave repeated warnings regarding the dangers of the Immemorial Battlefield, so Lin Moyu remained very cautious.

Two Skeletal Warriors appeared next to Lin Moyu, one on either side. He chose a random direction and proceed forward, the reassuring clattering sounds of the skeletons accompanying his steps.

Bai Yiyuan had shown Lin Moyu a simulated map of the battlefield. He also told him that in the Immemorial Battlefield, there were no definite directions. All directions were relative and subject to change from time to time.

Bai Yiyuan hadn't been to the upper layer for many years now and was uncertain of the current changes in the upper layer. In the end, Lin Moyu had no to explore it himself.

The place Meng Anwen had chosen was indeed quite safe.

After walking for a while, Lin Moyu had seen nothing but a

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