Chapter 221 - Meeting A Dragonkind Party; Slaughtering Other Races
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 221 - Meeting A Dragonkind Party; Slaughtering Other Races

Lin Moyu had killed Abyssal Blade Demons before, and more than once. However, he had never fought them head-on, but rather blew them away from the get-go.

The Abyssal Blade Demon revealed a ferocious expression, its eight arms glistening like eight giant blades under the unique light of the Immemorial Battlefield, exuding a bloodthirsty aura.

[Abyssal Blade Demon]

[Level: 43]

[Strength: 20,000]

[Agility: 20,000]

[Spirit: 20,000]

[Physique: 15,000]

[Skill: Blade Dance]

[Traits: Halved Defense to the Light Element, Halved Dark Elemental Damage, Fast]

Judging at its attributes, which totaled 75,000 points, it was comparable to the Black Rock Monster. However, it didn't have physical and elemental damage reduction traits. It was actually weaker than the Black Rock Monster.

In Lin Moyu's eyes, the Abyssal Blade Demon was very weak. Apart from being able to fly, it had no other merits.

The Abyssal Blade Demon saw Lin Moyu's level and sneered, "A level 30 runt dares to come to the Immemorial Battlefield? Didn't expect my luck to be this good! I can have a hearty meal today! My strategy—searching along the edge of the battlefield—is pretty great, as most newcomers usually are at the edge."

Lin Moyu mused, "Didn't this guy see me kill the Black Rock Monster just now?"

If it did, it would have run away already, instead of talking big here. This was simply courting death.

Seeing that Lin Moyu neither talked nor ran away, it thought that he was paralyzed with fear, "Ha-ha, you're scared? Sweet human flesh, here I come!"

It roared excitedly and swiftly flew toward Lin Moyu, but then suddenly saw that the corners of Lin Moyu's mouth were lifted slightly. Not only was there no fear in his eyes, but there was even a hint of contempt.

All of a sudden, instinct told it that there was danger. But it was already too late!

With a hum, its body suddenly sank, as if it had been weighted down by something. Red light fell down in wisps, and it saw a red sword-shaped pattern, seemingly dripping with blood, appear on its head.

"What is this?

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