Chapter 219 - Danger And Opportunity Go Hand In Hand.
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 219 - Danger And Opportunity Go Hand In Hand.

Since Bai Yiyuan had something to say, Lin Moyu listened attentively.

"It is called the Immemorial Battlefield, and it is a very dangerous place."

"However, danger and opportunity go hand in hand."

"No one knows the exact origin of the Immemorial Battlefield. At least, I don't know, and neither does Old Meng."

Meng Anwen shot him a glance, wondering why he was being dragged into this.

Bai Yiyuan ignored the other party and went on to say, "The Immemorial Battlefield is divided into three parts."

At this point, a ball of light appeared in Bai Yiyuan's palm, and the light gradually morphed into a three-dimensional map.

The map depicted two floating continents, with a giant black hole in the middle, resembling a vortex at the entrance of a dungeon.

"This is the map of the Immemorial Battlefield. It can be divided into three layers."

"The upper layer, the lower layer, and the deep layer."

"Each layer is interconnected yet independent. They depend on each other but do not interfere with each other."

"In short, it's a very peculiar relationship."

"I want to take you to the upper layer."

"People above level 70 can't enter the upper layer. They usually stay in the lower layer."

"Conversely, people below level 70 can't enter the lower layer."

"However, between the upper and lower layers, there's a very small chance that a spatial passage might appear. When that happens, the rules are broken, and occasionally someone from the lower layer can come up to the upper layer."

"But they can only stay in the upper layer for a very short time, no more than an hour."


Bai Yiyuan explained in great detail, which was out of character for his usually carefree personality.

Lin Moyu listened carefully, not missing a single detail.

Meng Anwen's frown deepened, and he finally couldn't help but interject, "You might as well be starting from the beginning of time. You've been talking for so long, yet you haven't gotten to the main point yet."

"Why are you rambling so much today? Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Bai Yiyuan realized he had i

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