Chapter 218 - I Never Want To Eat Desert Fruit Again
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 218 - I Never Want To Eat Desert Fruit Again

After reaching level 30, the attributes of Lich General had become even more extreme. Strength, agility, and spirit were only 4,000 each, with the basic attributes before the amplification being merely 100.

These did not match the imposing appearance and golden rank status. In contrast to the other three weak attributes, physique reached 100,000, far higher than that of Skeletal Warrior and Skeletal Mage.

With 100,000 points in physique, it possessed tremendous health and defense, making it hard to kill. Moreover, its Heal skill could also be used to heal itself.

Even if it was killed, it didn't matter. Its undead legion wouldn’t collapse because of that.

The skeletons would all return to Lin Moyu's command. At which point, he could summon another Lich General to quickly reform the undead legion.

As the commander of undead legions, Lich General shed its attack capability. But in exchange, it gained extremely powerful support abilities, combining enhancement, healing, and dispel control into one. Moreover, all the skills were legion-type group skills.

Level 30 Lich General could command 300 subordinates. And Lin Moyu could summon 10 Lich Generals, which represented 10 undead legions. That was a total of 3,000 skeletons, capable of receiving status buffs, healing, and dispel control...

Just thinking about it made Lin Moyu excited. His combat power would increase many times over. Furthermore, after he reached level 30, Skeletal Warrior and Skeletal Mage also leveled up, jumping from silver rank to gold rank, and their combat power was greatly upgraded.

[Gold Skeletal Warrior]

[Level: 30]

[Strength: 40,000]

[Agility: 40,000]

[Spirit: 40,000]

[Physique: 40,000]

[Skill: Berserk Strike (level 3)]

[Berserk Strike (level 3): deals 400% of the skill user's strength as damage; cooldown period of 10 minutes.]

[Gold Skeletal Warrior]

[Level: 30]

[Strength: 16,000]

[Agility: 16,000]

[Spirit: 80,000]

[Physique: 16,000]


Skeletal Warrior's attributes reached 40,000, and its skill was further enhanced. Skeletal Mage's ski

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