Chapter 217 - Feeling Abnormal Restriction; The Makings Of A Godly Powerhouse!
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 217 - Feeling Abnormal Restriction; The Makings Of A Godly Powerhouse!

After eight hours of continuous running, there followed 3-plus hours of skill grinding. Lin Moyu went an entire 12 hours without taking a single break.

When he exited the dungeon, a bright and beautiful face appeared in his line of sight.

Shu Han stood in front of Lin Moyu, a beaming smile on her face, "You're finally out. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Senior Shu Han, is something the matter?" Lin Moyu asked softly.

Shu Han smiled, "Why? Can't I come to you for no reason?"

Lin Moyu didn't expect the usually elegant Shu Han to say such a thing out of the blue. He remained silent, simply watching her.

Shu Han spread her hands. "Just kidding. Here you go."

Shu Han handed him the Fatigue Potion, a total of ten bottles.

Lin Moyu needed the Fatigue Potion and so accepted the bottles without hesitation. He wanted to give Shu Han some points in return, but then she shook her head.

Shu Han uttered, "No points needed. It's a gift."

"But the potion is expensive." Lin Moyu knew how precious the Fatigue Potion was.

Shu Han showed a hint of displeasure. "Tell me, are we friends or not?"

Lin Moyu nodded almost right away, "Of course we are friends."

"Then it's settled. Take the bottles. When you run out, let me know. I'll find a way to get you more."

"But don't rely on it too much. It's not good for your body."

"Alright, I won't disturb you anymore. Go ahead and look for Desert Fruit."

When she finished speaking, Shu Han turned and walked away.

Lin Moyu accepted the potion and murmured, "I've gained a friend."

Previously, he had five bottles of Fatigue Potion left, and now he gained ten more.

After drinking one bottle initially, Lin Moyu hadn't had another since. This thing was hard to come by, and he saved it whenever possible. But now...

Lin Moyu tilted his head back and drank a bottle. He felt as if he were immersed in warm spring water, his fatigue dissipating quickly.

The effect of Fatigue Potion was quite miraculous. One bottle could keep him going for two days and nights without feeling tired.

Lin Moyu enter

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