Chapter 216 - Desert Fruit; Rare And Elusive
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 216 - Desert Fruit; Rare And Elusive

Although Ning Tairan drove Lin Moyu away, but he still gave him some accommodation, changing the entry fee and reset fee of the Tyrant Desert dungeon to 100 points and 200 points respectively. It now only cost 300 points to raid the dungeon once.

Lin Moyu came this time solely to search for Desert Fruit, not for dungeon grinding. So he didn't plan to kill monsters en masse. He only used 10 Skeletal Warriors to clear the way ahead. Furthermore, he kept a certain distance from the oasis, not getting too close.

He was clad in a hell outpost set, which was much better than the silver rank spirit set.

[Hell Outpost Magical Sword (a part of the outpost set): gold rank weapon, all attributes +500, increases the power of Mage-type skills by 50%, usable after level 30]

[Hell Outpost Magical Robe (a part of the outpost set): gold rank protective equipment, all attributes +300, reduces the consumption of Mage-type skills by 20%, usable after level 30]

[Hell Outpost Ring (a part of the outpost set): gold rank accessory, all attributes +100, increases the recovery of fatigue by 30%, usable after level 30]

[Hell Outpost Bracelet (a part of the outpost set): gold rank accessory, all attributes +200, increases the restoration of spirit force by 30%, usable after level 30]

[Hell Outpost Necklace (a part of the outpost set): gold rank accessory, all attributes +400, reduces the probability of being restrained by 20%, usable after level 30]

[Set effect: all attributes +1,000, reduces the consumption of Mage-type skills by 25%, increases the power of Mage-type skills by 25%]

The set consisted of five pieces of equipment, which together increased all attributes by 1,500 points, plus an additional 1,000 points from the set effect, for a total of 2,500 points.

In addition, the Dragonkind Slayer title increased all attributes by 500 points. Lin Moyu received a total boost of 3,000 points to all attributes.

Unfortunately, the equipment's amplifications of Mage-type skills didn't apply to Lin Moyu. Only the title's 50% reduction in skill co

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