Chapter 215 - Leave, I Don't Feel Like Talking To You Right Now
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 215 - Leave, I Don't Feel Like Talking To You Right Now

The Lich General stood there imposingly, and unlike the skeletons, it wasn't purely composed of bones. It seemed to have flesh and blood, with a complete visage. But its visage looked ferocious and menacing.

The Lich General was donned in armor, a massive stave in its hand. The stave was crowned by a skull burning with fierce white flames.

The white flames emitted no heat. Instead, the surrounding temperature dropped by several degrees.

It looked very strong and really eerie! Lin Moyu examined the Lich General's information.

[Iron Lich General]

[Level: 1]

[Legion members: 0/10]

[Strength: 40]

[Agility: 40]

[Spirit: 40]

[Physique: 2,000]

[Skill: Legion Enhancement (level 1)]

[Legion Enhancement (Level 1): increases attack power by 10%, increases attack speed by 10%, increases casting speed by 10%, increases physical defense by 10%, increases elemental defense by 10%, increases control resistance by 10%]

[Skill: Legion Heal]

[Legion Heal: provides treatment to legion members; effect depends on the skill's level.]

[Skill: Nullify (level 1)]

[Nullify (level 1): nullifies all abnormal statuses of legion members (effective only for abnormal statuses below level 10)]


When he saw the Lich General's attributes, Lin Moyu was dumbfounded. Strength, agility, and spirit were just 40 points. Although it was only level 1, but these attributes were just too low.

And this was after the talent's 40-fold amplification, indicating that its original attributes were only 1 point. It was weaker than the weakest level 1 monster. This didn't match its formidable appearance.

Only its physique was high, starting at 50 points, reaching 2,000 points after the amplification. It was as if all the attributes were converted to physique.

This showed that the Lich General itself had no attack power and was not designed for combat.

Not only did Lin Moyu notice its attributes. Bai Yiyuan and the other two also noticed them, nearly spitting out their tea in surprise.

"What bizarre attributes!"

"With just 1 point in attributes, what can it do? It co

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