Chapter 214 - New Skills: Damage Curse, Bone Fangs, Summon Lich General
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 214 - New Skills: Damage Curse, Bone Fangs, Summon Lich General

[Acquired Skill: Damage Curse]

[Damage Curse (level 1): curses enemies within a range of 1 meter and increases the damage they receive by 1%; lasts for 1 minute.]

When he saw the skill, Lin Moyu's lips curved up. This skill was very powerful.

Although it was currently only level 1, both its range and boost pitifully low. And even with Lin Moyu's talent, it wasn't particularly powerful. It could at most merely cancel out Prophet's defensive status buffs. But once the skill's level rose, the effect would be entirely different.

Lin Moyu felt a surge of anticipation, eager to rush into the Tyrant Desert and search for Desert Fruit to max out the Damage Curse skill.

When the red light faded, the first thing Lin Moyu saw were three pairs of eyes.

"This time it's Damage Curse, a skill that increases the damage enemies take."

When they heard it, the three people instantly understood that it stood in contrast to defensive enhancement provided by supports.

While Prophet's status buffs enhanced defense and reduced damage to allies, Lin Moyu's curse weakened the enemy's defense and increased the damage they took.

Both Slow Curse and Damage Curse had their uses and were very powerful skills.

Bai Yiyuan had already noticed that the Necromancer class seemed to have no useless skills, "Continue! 100 scrolls at a time!"

There were still 600 skill scrolls left.

Lin Moyu nodded and carried on, activating a batch of 100 skill scrolls each time, releasing blinding light.

First batch: failure; second batch: failure; third batch; fourth batch...

Four consecutive attempts ended in failure.

Bai Yiyuan frowned, "Go with 200 at once."

There were now 200 Elementary Skill Scrolls left.

Lin Moyu activated the skill scrolls without hesitation. Anyway, if they ran out, he could just buy more. If he had spent all his money, he could just earn more.

200 skill scrolls erupted with dazzling light that enveloped Lin Moyu. The light quickly dimmed.

"Failed again!" Lin Moyu sighed inwardly.

It wasn't just him. Bai Yiyuan was also disappointed.

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