Chapter 211 - I Won't Sell It, I'll Give It To You For Free
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 211 - I Won't Sell It, I'll Give It To You For Free

The three people were stupefied.

Xia Xue knew that Lin Moyu had quite a few skeletons. He had shown them off when he carried her in the Xihai Mine dungeon. However, the current number was simply overwhelming.

Moreover, each skeleton was immensely strong, bulldozing through any monster that crossed their path.

Lin Moyu seemed to enjoy the thrill of speedrunning, not pausing once along the way.

Fortunately, he was just a Mage. Both Feng Xiu and Zuo Mei could easily keep up with him. Only Xia Xue struggled a bit. So Lin Moyu had to slow down a little to accommodate her.

Feng Xiu ran alongside Lin Moyu, "Do you always raid dungeons like this?"

Lin Moyu made a sound of assent, saying, "It saves time."

Feng Xiu sighed, "No wonder your leveling speed is so fast."

Lin Moyu remarked, "This isn't even that fastest. I can go faster."

"Even faster?" Feng Xiu had a hard time believing it. Wasn't this fast enough?

They basically bulldozed through everything.

Zuo Mei also looked shocked, unable to understand how it could get any faster.

After running for over an hour, they finally reached the edge of the oasis. The Skeletal Warriors charged ahead, immediately attracting a large number of Oasis Scorpions.

The Skeletal Warriors didn't stop but kept running along the oasis, drawing more and more Oasis Scorpions behind them.

When they reached the ant colony, Lin Moyu's eyes lit up, "You guys are really lucky."

The three didn't understand why Lin Moyu said that.

The Skeletal Warriors stopped and unleashed their skill, instantly killing a dozen-plus Oasis Scorpions. Then, Lin Moyu caught up to them, raised his hand, and cast a skill.

Skill: Corpse Explosion!

The explosion sent sand flying everywhere, creating huge sandpits.

Deafening explosions rose one after another. The three people's EXP skyrocketed, and a large amount of notifications flooded in.

Feng Xiu and Zuo Mei remembered the time of the great examination, when Lin Moyu used the same skill to kill a massive amount of monsters. Now the skill's power and range had increased sig

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