Chapter 210 - Old Fellow Students; Carrying Through A Mission
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 210 - Old Fellow Students; Carrying Through A Mission

Both the Chuangshi Institute and Yanhuang Institute failed.

Even though they had cleared the dungeon, even though they had placed on the leaderboard, but for top institutes like theirs, it was considered a failure, a thorough defeat.

The manner both sides departed was vividly described by people, and would likely soon spread throughout the Xiajing Academy.

"Ha-ha, look at them, even people from top academies are nothing special."

"When they came, they were so arrogant and insufferable, but when they left, they left with their tails between their legs."

In front of the Dungeon Hall, the crowd was discussing spiritedly. It was as if Lin Moyu's victory was their victory.

At this time, independent institute students and ordinary students were united.

Lin Moyu's reputation grew once again. However, as he was engrossed in speedrunning, he was completely unaware of what was happening outside.

Every time he completed a raid, he wouldn't linger outside for more than a few seconds. He didn't even bother checking the results of the Chuangshi Institute and Yanhuang Institute. There was no need to.

Lin Moyu was pretty confident that no one could break his record for this dungeon. Even he found it difficult to break his own record.

After raiding the dungeon five times in a row, another Fire Crystal was completed.

Lin Moyu didn't rest. At this time, he was in high spirits, having a blast grinding.

With the privileges granted by Ning Tairan, he didn't have to worry about points. The entry and reset fees were reduced to 100 and 500 points respectively. To him, it was just a drop in the bucket.

Speedrunning had very high efficiency, causing his EXP to soar. By the time the second Fire Crystal was fully completed, his EXP had reached 93%. Each raid basically increased his EXP by about 10%. He was only one raid away from reaching level 29.

"Let's keep pushing forward!" Lin Moyu was excited, even thinking of pushing all the way to level 30.

"How many times is he going to raid the dungeon?"

"Who knows. I've been counting, and he has rai

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