Chapter 982: Protection
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 982: Protection

The Big Ghosts appeared to have sensed something appear at the same time. Paper money fluttered about. The old chief pressed the shoulders of his third son. When he calmed down, he pushed the cart with the offerings and went forward alone. He was like a servant and placed the offerings before each altar.

"Fu Sheng, you should know that these are not what we want." A unisexual voice came out of the butterfly altar. The voice had no emotions. "We've given you too many chances. The dark night can't be delayed anymore. The first ghost wants to get out."

"Give me some more time. I'll convince the people in the city..."

"You can't do it!" Before the chief could finish, a voice cut him off. A human face surfaced out of the meat blob to glare at the chief, "We'll give you one last chance. Will you choose to be a human or a ghost?"

The chief anticipated this day. His face was etched in pain. If he chose to be a ghost, he would never leave the grave. He would become a part of the grave. If he chose to be a human, he would not be able to leave that night, and he couldn't protect the people he wanted to.

"Fu Sheng, think of your past. How did those people treat you? Think about your life. You spent your childhood being built. You spent your adulthood being treated as a test subject. It was the people on the surface who made you like this! They were the ones who gave you all the despair!" The beautiful butterfly wings fluttered. "There are five managers in Grave Village. I agreed for you to be the final village chief because you've experienced despair that even amazed me."

"I..." The chief frowned. His heart struggled. The Big Ghosts got impatient. The beast made from negative emotions jumped down from its altar and howled.

"How about we have your child persuade you?" The thousand-hand black figurine opened its eyes. It looked at the chief's second son.

"Father, my body is heavily mutated. I can't be a human anymore." The carpenter tore off the bandage around his arm and removed his shirt. Black vessels pumped under his

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.