Chapter 981: Ritual
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 981: Ritual

Grave Village was busy at night, but it was extremely quiet around the chief’s place.

“We mustn’t let the ghosts inside the graves know the truth. You have to kill me when I’m weakening. That is the only way for you to gain the trust of the ghosts. That way, you can survive to prepare for the upcoming era.”

When the old chief said these things, his eyes were on the carpenter. He wished his second son would kill him. “Ol One has a close relationship with the people aboveground, and he is the strongest. He won’t be accepted by the ghosts; Ol Three is too young and inexperienced to fool the ghosts. So you are the best candidate.”

After a long silence, the carpenter nodded. “I’ll complete your wishes.”

“Ol Two?! Do you know what you’re talking about?” The middle-aged man raised his hand. He wanted to give his brother a slap, but he held it in. “There should be other salutations!”

“I know you might not be able to accept it, but this is the only way that can save the normal people, weaken the ghosts and save the three of yous.” The old chief passed the black packages to his three children. “When the tombs open at midnight, I’ll go underground with you. Ol Three, you’ll take up the rear. After I am killed by Ol Two, you bring my will and run away. Remember, you have to bring my will out of Grave Village!”

The young man said with trembling fingers. “I don’t want to run. Let me stay with you.”

“You have to leave, or else our sacrifices will be for nothing.” The old chief patted the young man’s shoulders. “When you leave the hole, open my will.”

“Father, have you considered this? If we leave, what about the villagers? Some of them are so mutated that even if they leave the hole, they can’t survive as humans.” The middle-aged man didn’t agree to the plan.

“I’ve discussed this with the people from the coalition. Before they destroy the village, they will fetch all of the villagers. This is one of the conditions I argued for.” The chief looked at the packages in his three children’s hands. “Don’t forget. My little brot

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.