Chapter 983: Saviour
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 983: Saviour

The baby's crying appeared behind him, and the third son gritted his teeth. He realized he still had missions to do. The third son found the path left behind by the chief with the fastest speed. His hands were covered in wounds, but he didn't care. He only had a thought in his mind. He would complete his father's will.

"Don't be scared. I'll bring you out! You'll be fine!" His brothers once said the same thing to him, and now the third son said that to the baby. The third son was the abandoned baby adopted by the old chief. In the past, he once lay on his father's back as the baby did. No matter how scary things were, his father's back was always safe. His father and brothers were gone. He had to protect the baby. Blood flowed down his arm. The explosion was still happening. Dust flew everywhere, and the trash mountain collapsed. He was very scared, but he was still climbing upwards.

"I can do this!"

Be it the villagers or the people on the surface, no one expected someone to climb out of the deep hole. The third son kept repeating the same climbing action. He felt he was getting closer to the starlight. The stench in the air dispersed. When the starlight shone down on him, the third son took in a deep breath. He couldn't suppress the curse in his body anymore. The presence of tragedy spread through his body.

"I feel like my world is much lighter." His life rapidly faded. His heart became slower. He swaddled the baby and hummed a lullaby so that the baby would stop crying.

"I might not be able to look after you anymore. But I have to tell you. You are not abandoned. You're a good kid."

The third son's song appeared to have a special power. His voice could heal people's wounds. He tickled the baby and took out his father's will. "Father said I can only open it when I'm out of the hole."

He opened the envelope with difficulty. There was only a simple sentence on the note, I'm sorry.

The third son had no idea why his father was apologizing. Perhaps it was because his father had caused his three killers to beco

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.