Chapter 975: Special Nightmares
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 975: Special Nightmares

Zhang Mingli thought love was pain because he was always forced to separate from his love. For his first love, he and his lover were separated by the distance between two hearts; for his second love, he and his lover were separated by the distance between life and death. He loved passionately, so he was in so much pain when he lost it.

The only lucky thing was he met a girl with a similar passion, and his uneven road trip had a destination.

The ninth layer collapsed. True love was too real. It was something Dream had never possessed. It was why it had placed so many traps here. It tried so many times to turn the purest love into evil, but it failed.

“You have a way to bring me away from me?!” Zhang Mingli never dared to think about these things, but Han Fei nodded.

“But I need you to cooperate with me. Are you willing to trust me?” Han Fei’s greed persona resisted the nightmare. He wanted to take away Dream’s ‘toy’ so naturally, Dream would stop him.

“Even though we don’t know each other for long, I believe I can trust you.” Zhang Mingli looked behind Han Fei. “What do you need me to do? I’ll cooperate fully!”

“Enter my persona before the nightmare disappears. You will escape from the nightmare, but your fate will get bound with mine.” Han Fei didn’t hide anything.

“No problem.”

“Don’t promise me so soon. Think about it first. I have something else to deal with anyway.” Han Fei looked at the car Xuan Xiaoxiao drove over. Three players sat inside the car. They were covered in butterfly patterns. Their expressions were vicious.

“Five players entered the ninth players. Other than Huang Yin and me, the rest is arranged by Dream! It knows Zhang Mingli’s destination is Xuan Xiaoxiao, so it had the three players stay with Xuan Xiaoxiao. That way, Zhang Mingli would never reach his destination…” Han Fei memorized the appearance of the three players. A player shivered under Han Fei’s gaze. He opened the door and tried to escape, but as he exited Xuan Xiaoxiao’s car, he was torn apart by the ghosts.

“Poor things. D

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.