Chapter 974: My Destination is You
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 974: My Destination is You

When he was in the driver's seat, Han Fei finally understood the pressure Zhang Mingli was under. The road had no end in sight. The darkness was like an endless sea. The car light only shone so far. Zhang Mingli had no idea what kind of scary thing he'd meet. He could only rely on the old GPS system.

Loneliness, oppression, and negative emotions slammed into the driver, but Zhang Mingli survived and even got out to help others several times. He insisted on pursuing his love while not being affected by this nightmare world. This was probably why his wife fell in love with him.

The car broke down, and the road became more impossible to navigate. Han Fei had no idea how much further he could go. He didn't consider leaving. He just wanted to complete Zhang Mingli's last wish.

"I want to see what is at the end of this nightmare." The healing persona was triggered to help Han Fei resist the negative emotion. "Teacher Zhang, don't fall asleep. We might reach the end soon!"

In the night, many ghosts targeted the car. Han Fei focused on avoiding all the dangers. Zhang Mingli was injured. Han Fei and Huang Yin couldn't leave the car. "We can't stop. If we do, we'll be trapped here forever."

The danger made sure that Han Fei was focused. He had never felt such pressure from the previous nightmares. With his super senses and instinct, Han Fei avoided several assaults. His palms were sweaty. Han Fei slowed down the car. It was not that he wanted to slow down, but the car had some problems. Zhang Mingli's consciousness blurred, and the car slowed down. The car made many strange noises, like it was about to fall apart. Han Fei and Huang Yin couldn't do much. The nightmare was suspiciously huge, like the destination would never arrive.

They turned a corner, and the destination was still very far away. They crossed a bridge, but the destination didn't get any closer. This was like the last leg of the journey that couldn't be completed.

"Why aren't we there yet? How long is this trip?" Han Fei drove for another hour until the

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.