Chapter 976: Special Nightmares
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 976: Special Nightmares

“Special nightmares?” Han Fei found a special reward from Zhang Mingli.

“Nightmares can be generally split into five kinds, the first level is the fear nightmare. These nightmares are just to scare the players. The more afraid you are, the stronger the monsters will be. These nightmares would normally repeat themselves. They will use your fear to kill you.” Zhang Mingli was a valedictorian. He was very clever. He knew the players’ situation from Han Fei and started analyzing. “The nightmares you met after entering the grey mist are these kinds of nightmares. Simple situations where you are chased by unknown murderers and ghosts. This nightmare is very simple. When you stop being afraid, you can clear it.

“The second type is memory nightmare. These nightmares are not made from illusion. They are made from certain people’s obsessions in real life. Their life memories will be condensed into a nightmare and this nightmare often represents the most memorable issue in their lives. If you want to clear this type of nightmare, you need to find the nightmare owner’s obsession and help them resolve it.

“The third kind is very strange. I wonder if you’ve met it already or not. It is made from the player’s memory. When you clear the nightmares, Dream is also using the opportunity to grab your memory. Then, it will use your weaknesses to create a nightmare tailored to you. When you can’t differentiate between memory and dream, you’ll lose yourself in the dream and become a new nightmare.”

Only Han Fei had experienced this kind of nightmare. There were so many players, but 99 percent of them didn’t have the qualification for Dream to create a specific nightmare for them.

“The fourth kind is the rule nightmare. This nightmare is more like a cage. It traps things Dream wants. They were personally created by Dream a long time ago. I was in a rule nightmare.” Zhang Mingli explained, “Dream wanted to obtain pure love. It kept trying to mimic human emotions until its nightmares could perfectly simulate them.

“These nightmares lo

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.