Chapter 947: Eleven Altars
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 947: Eleven Altars

The underground 18th floor had been cleaned. Han Fei found the admin of Immortal Pharma and took away No. 2’s brain in the name of research. To ensure No. 2’s brain stays alive, Han Fei moved the scientific devices as well. Even with the robots’ help, they worked until 3 am. For Han Fei, he had to take away No. 2’s brain. He needed someone to protect him in real life. Even though No. 2 only had a brain left, he was an Unmentionable. He had merely been hiding his ability.

No. 2 had that concern when he was trapped inside Immortal Pharma, but he no longer had the same concern with Han Fei. Han Fei took a car when he came. When he left the building, he was in a truck filled with stuff. When he reached home, he used a lot of money to rent a room nearby for No. 2.

“It’s fashionable for tenants to redesign their rented houses. I wonder if the landlord would have any comments if I design this place in the style of a future apocalypse.” After all the wires were connected, Han Fei, Huang Yin, and the rest took a seat in the room.

“As long as you pay, the landlord wouldn’t care what kind of style you go for. Look at this brain. It looks so real.” The police who helped with the move were tired. However, Han Fei was still very spirited.

“This brain is real.” Han Fei thanked the police. After they left, he closed the door and turned to Assistant Tao and Huang Yin. “I thought that everything would be over once it’s over Thursday. Who would have thought Dream would abandon Gao Xing so directly?”

“4000000 people are trapped in the game. No matter the results, Deep Space Tech and Immortal Pharma would unravel.” Huang Yin leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette.

“We should focus on how to save the people first.” As a member of Immortal Pharma, hearing what Huang Yin said bothered Assistant Tao.

“Brother Huang, you’re the core member of Absolute Truth and the No. 1 player. You are influential in the game. I need you to contact those players to be a bridge between them and us.” Han Fei sat beside No. 2’s brain. He started t

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.