Chapter 936: Brain Failure
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 936: Brain Failure

After sending Huang Yin away, Han Fei reached his limits as well. However, he still had many things to arrange. Li Xue’s teacher became the strongest Night Police at the skyscraper. He dared to stop God even under the night. However, his consciousness had sunken into endless sins. It was unknown when he’d awaken again. The elder depended on his determination to defend the rooftop. As long as he was still there, no one would be able to get close to the door.

With the elder and Big Ghost guarding the building, Han Fei was relaxed. Mad Laughter was still absorbing Gao Xing’s power inside the altar. The brain fragments hidden inside the building were found, but Han Fei realized there were still more missing fragments. Only when he collected all of No. 2’s brain fragments that Han Fei had gained a complete Unmentionable. No. 2’s power was related to fate. He was much stronger than the Singer and Mirror God.

Han Fei had all the ghosts listen to Xu Qin as he asked her to take over the black rain area. Then, he pulled back Evil Soul, carried the altar, and pressed the exit button.

Blood descended, but the bloody person who was always there didn’t appear this time. Han Fei tried to turn back, but the bloody man had already left. He had to rely on himself from now on. Blood swallowed the city. Even the sky was dyed red. Han Fei stood on the rooftop alone. He could sense the threat from all sides. Unmentionables from the deep world have noticed him. The monsters who killed Fu Sheng were turning to him. Han Fei felt moisture near his eyes. He lowered his head. His eyes were bleeding. His chest, arms, and body were covered in blood.

In the past, when he logged out of the game, only the city was dyed red. This time, even his body was red.

“Does this mean the person behind me has been sharing my burden in the past?” The pain came from the back of his head. When Han Fei reopened his eyes, he was already out of the game. Compared to before, it felt like the pain was 10 times greater. Once he moved his body, it felt like it was

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.