Chapter 544: There Are Many People in the Snowstorm
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 544: There Are Many People in the Snowstorm (Teaser)

What should have been a straightforward conflict between young cultivators somehow developed in an unexpected direction. Xie Nandu and Chen Chao became the most sought-after figures in the desolate north, with nearly half of the young demon cultivators focusing on these two. This in turn caused the Twin Pillars of Daoism, who were listed on the Latent Dragon List, to be somewhat ignored.

Yun Jianyue and Ye Zhihua, who occupied the top two spots, had actually been managing relatively well these days. Both were among the most extraordinary young talents of their generation, and unless someone specifically targeted them, not just anyone in the desolate north could pose a threat to these two.

Putting Yun Jianyue aside, just Ye Zhihua, for instance, only struggled because she had previously encountered Autumn. Had it been any other demon genius, they would not have been able to push her into such a desperate situation, leaving her heavily injured.

But now, with their injuries improved and traveling together, they were not in any particu