Chapter 543: Make Her Stay
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 543: Make Her Stay (Teaser)

In the wind and snow, a brief skirmish came to an end.

The woman who had wielded nine flying swords managed to pull through, wiping out the group of young demon cultivators with minimal losses. Gao Xuan pulled his spear from the corpse of one of the dead demons, letting the blood drip from its tip before walking over to Xie Nandu. Still shaken, he said, "If you really failed to hold out, I wouldn't have been able to laugh about it now."

Xie Nandu shook her head and said, "I suddenly realized something."

Gao Xuan asked, "What?"

Xie Nandu replied, "It wasn't meant for you."

Gao Xuan paused awkwardly. The girl before him was indeed incredibly clever, but sometimes her words were far too blunt, leaving no room for pleasantries.

Xie Nandu surveyed the surroundings and retrieved her flying swords, leaving only the one named Desolate North hovering by her side.

The name of the sword matched the land they were in.

Gao Xuan could not help but glance at it a few times before asking with a smile, “I heard your nine flying swords are all