Chapter 529: Avalanche
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 529: Avalanche

Fortunately, Autumn had already been trapped in the lightning pool Yun Jianyue had set up.

Countless bolts of lightning continued to strike, completely sealing off any escape routes around Autumn. Afterwards, Autumn was destined to struggle in the lightning pool. Lightning spells were extremely lethal to the demon race. Even if Autumn did not die today, she would surely be severely wounded too.

However, Yun Jianyue’s expression soon changed drastically when he saw Autumn. Autumn who was currently in the lightning pool was staring at him with a strange smile on her face.

In the next moment, a bolt of lightning struck, shattering Autumn’s body. This was exactly what Yun Jianyue wanted to see. But he did not hesitate, continuing to retreat, moving away from the battlefield by at least several hundred yards.

The sound of the snowstorm continued to roar in his ears as Autumn's figure coalesced inside the snowstorm, appearing not far away.

Yun Jianyue halted in surprise and said, “An avatar body? But how did you know I was going to lure you into the lightning pool?”

Avatars were not some remarkable spell. But the amazing thing was how Autumn could predict the future and create an avatar in advance, using it as bait.

Autumn was expressionless as she said coldly, “Do you think I'm as foolish as that woman you like?”

Yun Jianyue felt a headache coming on. The situation he had carefully crafted, even at the cost of his own injury, was easily resolved by the woman before him.

But a moment later, Yun Jianyue began to smile.

Because he had noticed the blood seeping through Autumn's sleeve, staining her clothes.

“It's not an avatar. It's just that you were willing to sustain severe injuries to escape the lightning pool, resulting in your current condition. Is this lowly daoist correct, Your Highness?”

Yun Jianyue looked at Autumn with a smile in his eyes.

Autumn did not refute him but merely looked up and said calmly, “It's not as bad as you think nor as good. If I want to kill you, you won't be able to escape.”


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