Chapter 530: Skeleton Mountain - Part 1
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 530: Skeleton Mountain - Part 1

Before putting on the black robe again, Chen Chao circulated the white mist within his body to stop the bleeding from his wounds. Only then, did he take out the black robe and put it on.

He then turned around with a pale complexion. Glancing at Liang Jinjin, he smiled, "Shall we go?"

But Liang Jinjin looked at Chen Chao with concern and asked, "Are you okay?"

"How could I be okay?" Chen Chao replied indifferently, "Don't you see all this blood?"

Liang Jinjin's face was full of guilt as she said softly, "You saved me again. If you hadn't, you wouldn't have ended up like this."

But Chen Chao looked indifferent. "If I hadn't saved you, you'd have been crushed into a pile of meat by now. Then I'd have to decide whether or not to help you collect your remains." "But even if I did, I probably wouldn't be able to find your body. That'd be even more troublesome."

"You saw it too, I'm covered in wounds, but I'm used to it. Still, considering that I nearly lost my life twice because of you, shouldn't you repay me?"

Chen Chao smiled at Liang Jinjin, casually took out a few medicinal pills, and began to chew them.

Liang Jinjin nodded thoughtfully, "You've saved my life twice, I should repay you somehow."

Chen Chao grinned and said, "Then how about..."

Liang Jinjin looked at Chen Chao with an innocent expression. For some reason, Chen Chao even saw a hint of shyness on her face.

"Then teach me that Qi Observing Technique!"

Chen Chao quickly changed his tone, still fixated on learning the so-called Qi Observing Technique.

"No way! Anything else is fine, but not that!"

Without a doubt, Liang Jinjin still refused him decisively.

Chen Chao was somewhat speechless.

This girl really had principles.

Sighing, Chen Chao pulled out Cloud Mud, and sheathed it again. Then he looked toward the mountaintop. After the avalanche, there was not much snow left on the summit, but with the wind and snow still blowing, it was clear that it would not take long before it piled up again.

"This time, there should be what we're looking

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