Chapter 528: I'm Standing Up for Senior Sister
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 528: I'm Standing Up for Senior Sister

In the wind and snow, Autumn looked at the young daoist who appeared before her. After a brief moment of contemplation, she recognized his identity and said calmly, “The Twin Pillars of Daoism? Why not face me together, instead of coming to die one by one?"

The person before her was naturally the other of the twin pillars, Yun Jianyue.

Now at the top of the Latent Dragon List, he could be considered the nominal leader among the younger generation.

“I’ve heard that the Demon Emperor has a remarkably talented daughter. I suppose that's you, Princess.”

Yun Jianyue smiled slightly. “Since you're the princess, my senior sister's defeat is understandable. However, since you've injured my senior sister, this lowly daoist would like to have a word with Your Highness.”

“You like that woman?”

Autumn looked at Yun Jianyue and mocked, “Your taste is truly poor.”

Yun Jianyue frowned slightly, showing some dissatisfaction. But he just shook his head and said, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What is good or bad is not for Your Highness to decide. If Your Highness intends to provoke this lowly with such tactics, it's rather underhanded.”

Autumn remained silent, merely letting out a cold laugh as the wind and snow intensified around them.

Yun Jianyue glanced at the demonic qi swirling around Autumn and said softly, “Since my senior sister couldn't handle Your Highness, why don't you take a look at this lowly daoist's techniques?”

After saying this, Yun Jianyue raised his hand slightly. The wind and snow behind him suddenly ceased, creating a stark contrast with the surging storm in front, forming a clear contrast between calm and chaos.

The difference was striking.

Yun Jianyue had broken through to the Great Beyond Realm in the ruins of the Rongshan Sect. Apart from the battle where he had to suppress his realm against Chen Chao, he had not fought in a long time. However, this did not mean that his cultivation had stagnated. On the contrary, as a daoist prodigy, his skills had advanced considerably in the meantim

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