Chapter 500: Heading North
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 500: Heading North

Before the first snow of the season in the Divine Capital, a group of over a hundred people departed north towards the Northern Frontier. Most of them were young cultivators, with only a few older individuals among them. The youngsters mostly chose to ride horses rather than travel by carriage. For many, it was their first time leaving the Divine Capital, and they were eager to see what lay beyond. Additionally, the journey north was fraught with dangers, making it hard for the energetic youths to sit still.

As a result, the handful of carriages at the end of the convoy seemed particularly out of place. However, some of these carriages had come from the academy by the South Lake, while others carried the true big shots. Thus, there were few complaints. Besides, their minds were preoccupied with other matters rather than the carriages.

The distance between the Divine Capital and the Northern Frontier was not short, but neither was it very far. Nonetheless, the journey was not without its dangers. Initially, an official had suggested letting the youngsters travel independently, but this idea was quickly rejected by others. The reasoning was simple: these young individuals were the true elites of Great Liang's younger generation. Losing any of them before they even reached the Northern Frontier would be an incalculable loss.

This argument was logical and difficult to refute.

However, the official who gave his opinion quickly proposed sending an elite cavalry unit from the Divine Capital to ensure their safety. This suggestion was also rejected. Ultimately, it was decided that cultivators from the Heavenly Imperial Institution, the Ministry of Justice, and the warden faction would escort the group. Due to the academy's involvement, the leader of the convoy naturally came from the academy. They did not simply assign any cultivator; they sent two Nepenthe powerhouses, including a close student of the academy's dean, the renowned scholar of the Divine Capital, Wei Xu.

With Wei Xu escorting the convoy, there was littl

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