Chapter 499: Guest in White
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 499: Guest in White

As time passed and it became late autumn, the harvest season was nearing its end. The small village near Sword Sect had been spared any natural disasters this year, resulting in a bountiful harvest. The men of the village dried and stored the year's rice crop in granaries, feeling content knowing there was enough to last the entire next year, with plenty left over. One man was in high spirits and dragged a long bench to the front of his house. He took out his pipe, filled it with tobacco, and began to leisurely puff away.

However, as he enjoyed this rare moment of leisure amidst the swirling smoke, his wife emerged from the house, looking somewhat glum. She sat down beside him, frequently glancing toward the back mountain.

How could the man not know what his wife was thinking? He said rather impatiently, "Our son wasn't abducted by anyone, he's gone there to train in the sword. He will become a great sword immortal someday. What are you worried about?"

The woman who had been holding back her tears, could no longer contain them after her husband's words. Tears streamed down her face as she cried, "I know, but it's been so long since I've seen him. Is he getting enough to eat over there? Is he happy? He's... just a child!"

The man took a few more puffs from his pipe, exhaling a large cloud of smoke. He was also somewhat moved and patted his wife's shoulder. “Don't worry too much. You agreed to this back then, and the boy himself wanted to go. It's too late for regrets now.”

The woman nodded, it was just that she continued to sob. No mother in the world did not want her child to succeed, but no mother wanted her child far from home, facing hardships with their well-being unknown.

The man thought for a moment and then asked softly, “How about I go to the back mountain tomorrow and see if we can get the boy to come out and see us? But I heard from the old people in the village that once they go up the mountain and learn some skills, they might not even acknowledge their parents.”

The woman was shocked and questio

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