Chapter 501: Our Great Liang
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 501: Our Great Liang

The group had entered the territory of Xinxiu Prefecture. Among the nine prefectures of the Great Liang, Changping Prefecture, home to the Divine Capital, was undoubtedly the central hub of the Great Liang Dynasty. Adjacent to Changping Prefecture to the north was Xinxiu Prefecture. Beyond Xinxiu Prefecture lies the Northern Frontier. Over the two hundred years of the dynasty, the court had invested heavily in Xinxiu Prefecture, as it served as the last line of defense for the Divine Capital if the Northern Frontier Great Wall were to be breached by the demon race.

To the left of Xinxiu Prefecture was the lesser-known Western Prefecture, with a hundred thousand large mountains spanning endlessly. The population was sparse, and even among cultivation sects, only a few could be found in the entire prefecture. On the right of Xinxiu Prefecture was Ying Prefecture who was next to the sea. There had long been legends of immortals overseas, and in the eleventh year of Tianjian, there were even rumors of immortals descending. Despite the influx of people into Ying Prefecture at that time, none saw the so-called immortals. However, the scenic beauty of Ying Prefecture continued to attract many literati, especially the volcanic islands that were out at sea. The occasional lava flows created a breathtaking sight of fire and water, regarded by many as a divine phenomenon.

As for the five other prefectures that were not included in Changping Prefecture, they were more densely populated. Most of the world's cultivation sects were located here. Chen Chao had once been to Cang Prefecture, which borders Changping Prefecture. Wei Prefecture, southwest of Changping Prefecture, was the most populous prefecture. The Wei River irrigated countless fields along its banks, nourishing many people. However, the river could also be akin to a wicked dragon. During storms, it would become a disaster. The Great Flood in the eleventh year of Tianjian was such an event, resulting in countless deaths.

Yellow Dragon Prefecture, located in the so

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Translator Notes

[1. Posthouse is quite a rare term, google explanation: A post house, posthouse, or posting house was a house or inn where horses were kept and could be rented or changed out. Postriders could also be hired to take travellers by carriage or coach and delivered mail and packages on a route, meeting up at various places according to a schedule.]

[2. This is a wordplay that cannot be translated. 国家 means country/nation, but when you separate it, 国 means country, 家 means home.]