Chapter 491: Started Fighting
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 491: Started Fighting

Wang Kuan chuckled, "They shouldn't fight. There's too much of a gap between their realms. If they did, Junior Sister Xie wouldn't have any chance of winning."

Ye Zhihua had long been famous in the foreign lands. The title of the Daoism's Twin Pillars wasn't given lightly. Before Yun Jian Yue surpassed her, she was already widely recognized as the top talent in Daoism. It was just that Yun Jian Yue's eruption later on made her lose this title. Even so, was there any young person in the world who dared to underestimate this daoist prodigy?

Even though Xie Nandu's reputation in Great Liang was significant, and even though she was in the academy right now, no disciple truly believed that Xie Nandu could compete with Ye Zhihua in terms of cultivation. It was not a lack of confidence in Xie Nandu, but rather that she had started her cultivation too late. Despite her extraordinary talent, the time she had spent cultivating was still too short, and there remained a heavenly chasm. Of course, the path of cultivation was long, and no one knew the future.

After all, Xie Nandu who possessed nine lifeblood flying swords, undoubtedly had the potential to compete with Ye Zhihua in the future.

Chen Chao smiled, "If she shamelessly relies on her higher realm to bully Xie Nandu, we'll see if she can leave the academy unscathed."

Wang Kuan sighed with a wry smile, "Why do I feel my heart spasm all of a sudden?"

Chen Chao merely smiled in response.

Later, he tapped the shoulder of a nearby academy student and proposed, "Mind making way?"

The student who was short and could not see what was ahead was already in a bad mood. Feeling someone tap him, he abruptly turned with an unfriendly expression. However, upon seeing Chen Chao's face, the unnamed anger in his heart dissipated instantly.

Normally, academy students might not win in a physical confrontation, but they could at least win verbal fights. But, not only he could not physically overpower this person in front of him, he also could not out-talk him, what else could he do

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