Chapter 483.1: It's All Fate - Part 1
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 483.1: It's All Fate - Part 1

Chen Chao did not idle during these few days. Although the matter with Sword Qi Mountain was settled over there, in reality, the whole affair was far from over. The swordsmiths from Sword Qi Mountain had yet to arrive in the Divine Capital. As the Deputy Commander of the Left Guard, although these matters were not under his jurisdiction in name, since he had arranged the deal, Eunuch Li from the palace had visited him some days ago. During their conversation, Eunuch Li subtly implied that Chen Chao should pay more attention to future events. He had already coordinated with the Minister of Works to assist on the side, leaving Chen Chao no choice but to comply. These days, he had been running back and forth to the Ministry of Works to finalize those matters.

Early in the morning, the bell at the Left Guard's office rang. Officials of various ranks reported orderly for duty. Sitting at the top, Song Lian inspected the roster and then waved them off to attend to their own tasks. After the last Left Guard official left the hall, Chen Chao entered with a smile and wrote his name at the end of the roster.

Song Lian glanced at him and feigned annoyance. "Chen Chao, how long have you been back in the capital before reporting for duty? Aren't you afraid this official will dock your pay?"

Chen Chao put down his pen and looked at Song Lian with some confusion. "Your Excellency, since last year, when has this lowly official ever received any pay?!"

Song Lian's face finally showed a smile when he heard Chen Chao's words. "If you want your salary, it can be arranged. Starting next month, it won't be sent to Miss Xie anymore."

"Forget it, this lowly official doesn't even know how long I'll be staying in the Divine Capital. It's pointless to keep changing things around." Chen Chao sat down nearby and waved his hand dismissively.

Song Lian got up from his seat, took a few steps to Chen Chao's side, and laughed quietly, "Bro, we're both men here. Who doesn't know what's going on? Why are you being so stubborn?"

Chen Chao was e

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