Chapter 482: She's My Elder Sister
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 482: She's My Elder Sister

After sending Chen Chao off at the door, Princess Anping turned around and wiped her eyes, saying somewhat self-deprecatingly, "Really getting old, why do my tears fall so easily now?"

After drying her tears, Princess Anping said softly, "To the palace."

A carriage quickly stopped in front of the small courtyard. Just as Princess Anping was about to step onto the carriage, she suddenly withdrew her foot and softly said, "Let's look at the Divine Capital one more time."

"Your Highness, take care of your health."

The maid who had served Princess Anping for many years spoke softly, with genuine worry in her eyes.

"How much more can I take care of? Silly lass, everyone will die. Why spend the last days unhappily?"

Princess Anping smiled, but she ultimately chose to walk to the palace. The maid did not speak further, carefully staying by her side.

Princess Anping walked slowly along the main street of the Divine Capital, listening to the vendors' shouts. This princess could not help but recall many years ago, when a man had told her about the Divine Capital and about the Great Liang. At that time, she just listened to the man talk endlessly, feeling that it would be wonderful to hear him tell these stories for the rest of her life. But then, after the man finished, he laughed and patted his head, saying, "It's my fault, my fault, I didn't think it through. Instead of telling you these stories, I should have taken you to see for yourself. The Great Liang is vast; we can take our time to see it all. After all, we have plenty of time."

Yes, anyway, we thought we had many years to live and plenty of time. Who would think about the future back then? Especially not the worst kind of outcome.

"Zhou Lang, the future you promised me, I really want to see it."

Princess Anping murmured softly. Soon, tears streamed down her face.

Liu Yan behind her was heartbroken.

After a moment, she stopped. A middle-aged man stood in the distance, waving his hand. The maid bowed and then turned to leave.

Princess Anping was in a daz

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