Chapter 439: Want the Sword and Not Their Lives
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 439: Want the Sword and Not Their Lives

Looking at the flying sword hovering before him, Chen Chao was at a loss whether to cry or laugh.

The other sword cultivators looked up at him, their eyes filled with surprise and envy.

Master Zuo also chuckled heartily, "It seems Red Candle has chosen a young talent as its master. Fellow Daoist, come down for a chat?"

At present, everyone assumed Chen Chao was chosen as the master of the flying sword. However, Chen Chao knew his own abilities well and did not believe he had the talent to become a sword cultivator.

He stepped aside slightly, and sure enough, the flying sword darted into the building, continuously humming in front of the woman with great delight.

The flying sword had chosen this woman.

Chen Chao looked downstairs and said with a smile, "Master Zuo, the flying sword didn't choose me. It seems that Master Zuo will have to invite this young lady downstairs for a chat."

Seeing this scene, Master Zuo's expression suddenly turned icy. He had crafted the flying sword for ten years and it could choose any sword cultivator as its master, except for this woman. If a courtesan took away his flying sword, he would not be able to show his face in public again.

The woman was initially surprised, then frightened, but quickly calmed down. She reached out with her delicate fingers to touch the sword's body, and Red Candle's sword humming grew even louder. This flying sword, which Master Zuo had spent ten years crafting, was highly spiritual and of superior quality. Although it could not quite match the flying swords crafted by Sword Qi Mountain, it was not far off.

But after a moment, the woman sighed, "It seems we are fated but not destined to be together."

Having spent many years in this brothel, she had seen many people and naturally knew the kind of person Master Zuo was. A master swordsmith like him would never hand over a painstakingly crafted flying sword to her.

In other words, even if she obtained the flying sword today, it did not mean she could embark on the path of a sword cultivator and becom

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